Open Thursday thru Monday 9-5:30PM

Closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays



They arrive in January bareroot!

You'll find our abundant selection of roses on your right as you drive down the hill into the nursery. Depending on whether you want flowers for cutting, a colorful hedge, a climbing sun-loving vine or a little pop of color, there is a rose variety for you!

Our roses are separated by classification, i.e. bush, tree, carpet and David Austin and then organized alphabetically, making it easy to find exactly the variety you are looking for. Our rose signs are also helpful tools when looking for a cutting rose, those that are a little more disease-resistant or more fragrant than the rest. Check out How To Read Our Rose Signs for our easy guide. 

If you are new to roses, or just need a refresher, check out the last page of our Rose List below that is also helpful to define what the classifications of each category is. There you'll learn what the difference between a Floribunda and a Grandiflora, and what all the fuss is about with David Austin roses. 

We receive our roses in early January bareroot and pot them into biodegradable pulp pots so they can be planted throughout the season. Popular varieties sell out quickly, so for best selection come in early! 

We recommend checking out our Rose Care & Planting Guide above. Roses perform best with a regular application of fertilizer, and included in our guide is our 2 fertilizer recipes! Depending on your preference, either traditional or organic, they are broken down for easy application twice a year. 

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