Super Dwarfs
Full-size fruit on small plants, fantastic for patio containers!
Finally, a collection of dwarf tomato plants that combines the best characteristics of both determinate (short plants) and indeterminate (continual bloomers, large fruit) plant habits. Now you can have full-size fruit on manageable-size plants in small-space gardens or patio containers! Continual production, small-sized plants and tasty fruit…dwarfs in size, but giants in performance!
Bred by the Dwarf Tomato Project, an international group of tomato enthusiasts devoted to breeding short tomato varieties with great flavor, these tomatoes exhibit super performance and indeed, rich flavor. Tomatoes vary in size and shape, including fruits over 1 pound. Broad range of flavors - sweet, tangy, fruity and even a hint of saltiness - something to please everyone! Easy to grow in pots, on balconies, or wherever space is limited. - Super Dwarfs
Maori Warrior Super Dwarf
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Also called Wherokowhai. With the strength and stamina of a Maori champion, this stocky tomato produces copious amounts of half-pound fruit that ripens to a rich yellow with swirls of red when sliced. Harvest massive amounts of fruit with delicious, intense flavor that in some seasons approaches some of the finest heirloom tomatoes. Indeterminate, 70 days.
Geranium Kiss Super Dwarf
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An excellent choice for container gardening! Stocky, dwarf plants, with rugose foliage, grow just 24 to 30" high and produce loads of golf ball sized, bright red fruits that are round with pointed ends. Tomatoes have a good texture, and exceptional flavor and grow in clusters of 10 or more and weigh about 1 ounce each. In trials, plants exhibited tolerance to Early Blight and Septoria. Bred by Dr. Alan Kapuler, PhD. of Peace Seeds. Dwarf-determinate 65 Days.
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Tasmanian Chocolate Super Dwarf
Tasmanian Chocolate dwarf tomato is a full flavored and beautiful fruit. They grow on plants that are about 3.5 feet tall. These will perform well in buckets or in the ground. Plants produce plenty, light chocolate colored fruits that can reach 12 ounces. Take a bite and you will discover a really juicy fruit that has a bit of earthiness to it. Plants quickly become top heavy so some staking may be necessary. You can expect your first ripened fruits around the 80 day mark. Try some of these in your garden and get ready for a bountiful harvest! Determinate. An inspired cross between New Big Dwarf and Paul Robeson.
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Sean’s Yellow Super Dwarf
Sean’s Yellow Dwarf tomato is a gorgeous, determinate variety. It’s short vines produce a big crop of 5-10, ounce tomatoes, that are perfect for sandwiches eating fresh and salsas. When it comes to taste, this tomato is just as you would expect. It’s as bright and delightful on the inside as it is out. Our well ripened fruits were on the sweeter side. Plants are usually around 3.5 feet and do need staking because of the size it the fruits. Don’t hesitate to plant these or other dwarf varieties a little bit closer than you would for non dwarf varieties. Containers would work well also! We harvest our first ripened fruits around the 80 day mark.
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Rosella Purple Super Dwarf
Similar to Cherokee Purple with great flavor and 6-10 ounce deep-purple fruits and rugose foliage, but on a shorter plant suitable for container gardening! First fruit ripens in 65 days with few seeds. Determinate.